William Hill Sportsbook is a well-established and trusted sports betting institution in the UK and throughout Europe. In 2012 they opened in Nevada and began to make a marketing push in 2018 as new states came online with legalized sports betting. The shock and awe of DraftKings and FanDuels’ outrageous spending on sponsorships, league deals and advertising were mind-blowing. Add in a start-up sized media budget, a brand name that sounds like a British law firm and no league deals, which meant using team names, logos, or any similar marks off limits.

This is what drives Fort Franklin; We are often hired to quickly outthink formidable competitors and do it on a budget that is aligned with our client’s goals. The first order of business was to begin to establish trust and credibility with our audience. Insights into the mindset of the casual sports bettor revealed an overconfidence of their sports knowledge, often clouded by their fandom for teams and players. This led us to a brand positioning that centered on trusting your gut and Bet on yourself, which became the tagline for some campaigns. Focusing on social platforms only, we immersed ourselves into the daily sports conversations (like we did with Tauntr.com) and began creating custom content at a cadence that matched activity pre-, during and post-game. Once we began to establish a presence, we created broader brand content focused on sports betting culture (featured above) and content that told the story of William Hill’s long established history of sports betting. While our time with William Hill was short, within a year we established a share of voice that increased unaided awareness by 22% and deposits by 14%.
